12 The Gateway, Croydon South, Vic 3136
Sold: $397,500 (05-06-2011)
- hotel 3
- hot_tub 2
- directions_car 2
Situated within close proximity to Croydon and Ringwood shopping centres and other amenities, this 3 bedroom, brick veneer home comes with all of the above and more. The home is designed to conserve energy and features en-suite to master bedroom, spacious lounge/dining room, kitchen with 9 foot breakfast bar, walk-in pantry, slate flooring, modern appliances and a large family area opening to a paved outdoor patio. Also included is: quality heavy duty carpet, air conditioning and gas ducted heating, spa bath in bathroom one, double carport, as well as two drive ways with parking provided for 3 or more cars.
Inspect with confidence!