14 Chiswick Court, Hampton Park, Vic 3976
Sold: $335,000 (09-13-2013)
- hotel 4
- hot_tub 2
- directions_car 2
Sale by SET DATE 3/9/2013 (unless sold prior)
Are you sick of looking at houses that have no yard, tiny living areas and one bathroom? Don't despair 14 Chiswick is here. With Four bedrooms, two updated bathrooms, two decent living areas, freshly painted as well as a large side and back yard you can afford to stretch out. There is also a huge garden shed and pergola for storage and entertaining.
Located within a short walking distance to all facilities you are never too far from the action. There is plenty of room to build a large garage/ carport should you wish to do so. Vendor wants this sold so act now.