24 Bradford Street, St Albans Park, Vic 3219
Sold: $385,000 (08-27-2013)
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Neutral tones, bespoke design, natural light & a timeless façade combines the use of modern and early period flavours making this abode read more like a work of art than your next home. When at the designing phase the owners cleverly positioned the home to face Mandela Court which is north west, therefore allowing all the north east sun to stream through the master bedroom, alfresco, kitchen/dining, main & second living areas. Your appreciation for this home will extend further than just the "first impression", designed under the advice of an interior specialist and with a list of features such as high quality floor coverings, feature walls, matching stone bench tops throughout, this home is sure to never wear old. Summary of features include: 634m2 land with potential for rear access off Bradford Street, rear roller door on double garage, internal access, two living areas, central heating, RC A/C, build date 2009 by local private builder, two alfresco entertaining areas east & west side.
A good home is designed to be functional, this stunning home will offer function & enhance your living experience, an inspection is a must to truly appreciate.