29 Hazford Street, Healesville, Vic 3777

Sold: $372,500 (04-14-2016)

29 Hazford Street, Healesville, Vic 3777 3777
  • hotel 3
  • hot_tub 1
  • directions_car 2

This attractive property is located on a no through road just a few minutes drive from the Main Street, schools with public and school transport just a short walk.
The property is currently tenanted until April, so maybe an investment is on your radar and if so the current tenants are more than happy to stay on.

* Approximate, 1200m2 allotment
* Three bedrooms
* One bathroom
* One living area
* Separate toilet
* Electric cooking, ample storage
* Two bedrooms with robes
* Polished pine floors
* Natural gas ducted heating
* Large rear paved and covered outdoor entertaining
* Low maintenance gardens
* Double lock up garage with remote access plus extended workshop
* Garden shed

The neighboring property has Kangaroos visit on a daily basis, the privacy, peace and quiet is deafening.
Inspections are by the scheduled open homes and any private appointment require 24 hours notice!!!

Sold History

Walk Score