6 Wareham Court, Hillside, Vic 3037
Sold: $380,000 (08-01-2011)
- hotel 4
- hot_tub 2
- directions_car 2
Here is a once in a lifetime chance to buy a quality home at a great price. Where else will you find an immaculate home which will impress the fussiest of purchasers in this price range!! Offering a great floor plan, practical for today's living, with superb Alfresco/entertaining area and plumbed in gas Rinnai "outdoor kitchen" barbecue. But wait there's more! Boasting four bedrooms, full ensuite to master, formal lounge and large well appointed modern open plan kitchen adjoining a good size meals / family area, and there's more! Including ducted heating, evaporative cooling, ducted vacuum, double remote garage, tinted windows and all neatly packaged on a low maintenance fully landscaped garden complete with underground fully computerised drip system with rain sensor.
Close to schools, shops and transport this is a must see!